Saturday, August 27, 2016

classical mechanics - Is there a rotational equivalent to newtons laws?

Newtons three laws of motion appears to apply only for linear motion:

  1. An object remains at rest or moves in a straight line at uniform velocity unless a force is applied.

  2. Force is mass times acceleration.

  3. Every action causes an equal and opposite reaction.

Is there a rotational equivalence? For example:

1'. Every body rotates around a fixed axis at uniform angular velocity unless a torque is applied

2'. Torque is Moment of Inertia times angular acceleration

3'. When one body exerts a torque on another; there is an equal and opposite torque applied on the first body by the second.

First are these actually correct; if not, what are the correct equivalence; and who formulated them?


There is a rotational equivalence, but it is not what you stated. The problem, as pointed out by @curiousOne, is that conservation of angular momentum does NOT imply rotation about the same (fixed) axis. But I think a simple restatement like this could work:

  • if no torque acts on a body, its angular momentum will remain unchanged

  • rate of change of angular momentum is proportional to applied net torque

  • when two bodies interact, the torque that A applies to B is equal and opposite to the torque that B applies to A, so that the angular momentum of the combined system (A+B) is preserved.

I believe that addresses the objections raised to your earlier version. Note that "axis of rotation is unchanged" is fundamentally different from "angular momentum is unchanged".

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