In a theoretical physics homework problem, I have to show the following: ∂νTμν=−jνFμν
Where T is the Energy-Momentum-Tensor, j the generalized current and F the Field-Tensor. We use the g for the metric tensor, I think in English the η is more common.
I know the following relationships:
Current and magnetic potential with Lorenz gauge condition: ◻Aμ=μ0jμ
Energy-Momentum-Tensor: Tμν=1μ0gμαFαβFβν+14μ0gμνFκλFκλ
Field-Tensor: Fμν=2∂[μAν]=∂μAν−∂νAμ
d'Alembert operator: ◻=∂μ∂μ
Bianchi identity: ∂[μFνα]=0
So far I have set all the definitions into the formula I have to show, but I only end up a lot of terms from antisymmetrisation and product rule. I also drew all what I have in Penrose graphical notation, but I still cannot see how to tackle this problem.
Could somebody please give me a hint into the right direction?
Let's look at different terms from differentiating Tμν.
The first from differentiating gμαFαβFβν is ∂νgμαFαβFβν=gμαFαβ(∂νFβν)+(∂νFμβ)Fβν=−μ0Fαβjβ+(∂νFμβ)Fβν
The first term is exactly what you want, the second cancels against the stuff you get from differentiating gμνFκλFκλ:
∂μFκλFκλ=2Fκλ(∂μFκλ)=−2Fκλ(∂κFλμ+∂λFμκ)=−4(∂νFμβ)Fβν where in the second equality sign we have used Bianchi identity and in the last equality we have used Fκλ∂κFλμ=relabel indeciesFνβ∂νFβμ=antisym. of FFβν∂νFμβ This exactly cancels the second term in the first equation.
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