Friday, August 5, 2016

quantum field theory - The relation of two integrals

In this post about the integral d4k(2π)41(k2)2eikϵ=i(4π)2log1ϵ2,ϵ0,

which is (19.43) on page 660 of Peskin and Shroeder,
Luboš answered as follows.

That's equivalent simply to cdx/x. Switch to the Euclidean spacetime, k0=ik4 where (k1,k4) is kE; i.e. analytically continue in k0 (Wick rotation). The integral is id4kE(2π)41(k2E)2exp(ikEϵE)

So it's proportional to the Fourier transform of 1/k4E. The original function is SO(4) symmetric, so the Fourier transform must be symmetric as well and depend on ϵ2 only. Dimensional analysis implies that the result is dimensionless i.e. it must be a combination of a constant and ln(ϵ2). The logarithm is there with a nonzero coefficient so the constant only determines how to take the logarithm: it should properly be written as ln(ϵ2/ϵ20) for some constant ϵ0 with the same dimension.

Indeed when f(xE)=d4pE(2π)4˜f(pE)eipExE

and ˜f(pE)=˜f(M1pE), we can show f(M2xE)=f(xE) by a short calculation, where M1,M2 are orthogonal matrices.
But I'm not sure why the result is proportional to a combination of a constant and ln(ϵ2).
Though using dimensionlessness, ncn(ϵ2/ϵ20)n is also dimensionless.
How can we relate id4kE(2π)41(k2E)2exp(ikEϵE)
with dx/x rigorously?

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