Friday, October 7, 2016

knowledge - Fowl Perpetrators Caught as Robberies Add Up

After several years at Private Eye Academy, Joey Solvesalot finally earned his detective license and was looking forward to solving some cases. So he decided to settle in the infamous Problem City to start his career. After successfully moving in without a problem, Joey decided to go to the police headquarters to get some background on the type of cases that occurred in the past. While reading through the cases on the computer, one in particular caught his eye:

Case Title: Fowl Perpetrators Caught as Robberies Add Up
Date of Incident: ??-??-????
Incident: Robbery

He turned to an officer nearby, "Why is the date of incident incomplete?"

Officer Jenny glanced over and said, "Hmm, we digitized our old cases a few years ago but some of the handwriting was illegible."

"Ah I see," Joey murmured as he continued to look over the report.

Name     Sex Age DOB
Valentine, Holly F   22  April 5, XXXX
Winters, Jack   M   26  August 20, XXXX

Avy Ian (52), a lover and collector of birds-related items, reported several cases of theft on her property over the past month. On the first Tuesday of the month, she noticed that her set of seven stone swans in her backyard near the pond was missing (estimated \$3500 total). Ten days later, she found the door to her chicken coop ajar and three hens missing. A week later, she discovered a broken window and her set of four glass songbirds (estimated \$10000 total) gone. To prevent any further thefts, we made sure there was at least one officer on lookout at all times. Six days later we caught Holly Valentine and Jack Winters trying to make off with six goose-egg sized jewels (estimated \$25000 each). Looking into their residence, we recovered the seven stone swans and four glass songbirds. We found feathers that presumably came from the stolen hens, but could not find said hens.

Once Joey finished reading, he smiled and said, "Are we allowed to edit this? I figured out the date!"

What day was the robbery (month and day) and why?

This is the first puzzle I've ever made, so please don't hurt me please feel free to suggest improvements!


2nd guess

December 25th


'Add Up' in the puzzle title refers to adding up the 2 other dates (DOBs) found in the puzzle to obtain the solution date. April (4) + August (8) = December (12). 5 + 20 = 25

First guess

December 27th (the 3rd day of Christmas)


The thieves still had the four glass songbirds (calling birds) to be given starting on the 4th day of Christmas (December 28th) but not the three (French) hens which are to be given starting on the 3rd day of Christmas.

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