Sunday, January 15, 2017

no computers - Anagrams: From Cheese to Sneeze

Similar to Anagrams: From Food to Food, but this time its From Cheese to Sneeze, or (almost) Anything You Please.


You must turn the names of cheeses into common nouns using anagrams

The rules:

  • You may not use a computer to do the anagrams (researching the names of cheeses online is fine).

  • You must use single-word names to make single-word answers; hyphenated words are not allowed.

  • Common spelling must be used (your local spelling is fine), using alternate spelling to make a word work is not allowed.

  • Slang and abbreviations are not allowed.


  • Pluralisation is fine


Edam <———> Dame goes; Edam <———> Made does not because 'made' is not a common noun.

Brie <———> Bier works

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