Tuesday, January 31, 2017

optics - Why does the intensity of a LED change as the temperature increases

I am working with an array of LEDs and I am looking into how there properties change as they heat up. One of the things I found out is that the intensity of these the light decreases as the LEDs heat up. I knew that this would happen from the many reports I read on the internet about this, but I cant find a clear explaination on the internet for the theoretical background, one site talked about a reducion in the forward voltage, the other about an increase in the resistance of the P-N junction.

So I was wondering of anybody here could give me a clear explaination as to why the intensity of my LEDs decreases.

Thanks for taking the time to read my problem and I hope to see your awnser soon.

P.S. I am sorry for my english, its not my first language

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