Saturday, January 28, 2017

word - A connection between Riley Riddles and I

The following riddle was inspired by what is referred to as "Riley Puzzles / Riddles" (example).

Another Riley Riddle! This one keeps to the traditions, but it might be a little too hard. I will give out hints every $24$ hours.

My prefix is a question.

My suffix, mean but golden.

My infix has two heads,

But I have bars instead.

What am I?

The answer has $4$ letters, and the title is a clue.

Other inspirations include this riddle and this one, too.


I think you are


My prefix is a question.


My suffix, mean but golden.


My infix has two heads,

"if". Not sure exactly why "two heads", though. Perhaps they refer to the antecedent and consequent. Perhaps they're the two letters. Perhaps something I haven't thought of. [EDITED to add:] OP explains in comments that this is a reference to the $\Leftrightarrow$ symbol for "iff", though personally I pronounce that "if and only if" which isn't exactly the infix here :-).

But I have bars instead.

Used to indicate strength of wifi signal.

The title ("A connection between Riley Riddles and I")

is presumably punning on the word connection: OP reads and posts Riley riddles over wifi.

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