Monday, January 9, 2017

quantum mechanics - Deriving the expectation of $[hat X,hat H]$

For a free particle of mass $m$, with Hamiltonian

$$\hat{H} = \frac {\hat{P}^2} {2m},$$

where $$\hat{P} = -i \hbar \frac{\partial} {\partial x}.$$

The commutative relation is given by

$$[\hat{X}, \hat{H}] = \frac {i\hbar} {m} \hat{P}\tag{1}$$

In the common eigenstate of $\hat{H}$ and $\hat{P}$, $|e, p\rangle$, can we do the following?

$$\langle e, p| [\hat{X}, \,\hat{H}] |e, p\rangle = \langle e, p|\hat{X} (\hat{H}|e, p\rangle) - (\langle e, p|\hat{H}) \hat{X}|e, p\rangle \\ = \langle e, p|\hat{X} (e|e, p\rangle) - (\langle e, p|e) \hat{X}|e, p\rangle \\ = e( \langle e, p|\hat{X}|e, p\rangle - \langle e, p|\hat{X}|e, p\rangle ) \\ = 0 $$

Since the $\hat{H}$ is Hermitian, the above derivation doesn't seem to show any flaw. Given the commutative relation, Eq (1), we know the result is wrong. What's wrong with the above derivation?


Following the comment by Luboš Motl, I have worked out the solution and would like to share it here. The link provided by Qmechanic had the solution closely related to this question.

$$ \langle e', p'| [\hat{X}, \,\hat{H}] |e, p\rangle \\ = \langle e', p'|\hat{X} (\hat{H}|e, p\rangle) - (\langle e', p'|\hat{H}) \hat{X}|e, p\rangle \\ = (e - e') \langle e', p'|\hat{X}|e, p\rangle $$

Note that:

$$ e - e' = \frac{p^2}{2m} - \frac{p'^2}{2m} = \frac{(p+p')(p-p')}{2m} $$

$$ \langle e', p'|\hat{X}|e, p\rangle = -i\hbar \delta'(p - p') $$

where $\delta'(\cdot)$ is the derivative of the Dirac function, with respect to $p$.

Then we get

$$ (e - e') \langle e', p'|\hat{X}|e, p\rangle \\ = -i\hbar \frac{(p+p')}{2m} \cdot (p - p')\delta'(p - p') \\ = - \frac{i\hbar (p+p')}{2m} \cdot (-\delta(p - p')) \\ = \frac{i\hbar (p+p')}{2m} \delta(p - p') $$

As we take the limit $p \rightarrow p'$:

$$ lim_{p \rightarrow p'} \frac{i\hbar(p+p')}{2m} \delta(p - p') \\ \rightarrow \frac{i\hbar}{m} p \delta(p - p') $$

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