Wednesday, February 8, 2017

cosmology - Dark energy, dark matter and the expansion of the Universe

I have just finished reading a book which touched on dark energy and dark matter and its got me thinking. Unfortunately, I don’t have a sufficient understanding of the field to appreciate whether this is a plausible concept and would love the thoughts of an expert.

Could it be that dark matter is actually the fabric of the universe itself i.e. Space? If so, could this explain why we cannot measure it directly – if every known thing is made of ‘space’ we would have no relative medium to measure it against.

Furthering this concept, if we were to suppose that dark energy decays to dark matter as a function of temperature, we know the universe is cooling whilst expanding at an accelerating rate, one could hypothesise that as the universe cools, the rate of decay (dark energy to dark matter) increases and hence, the rate of expansion increases.


There are a lot of reasons why it is not possible that dark matter decays to dark energy as the temperature falls. @Lawrence Crowell explained most of the important reasons, and that the two, dark matter and dark energy are tow very different things with no relation to each other. This adds, hopefully, to the reasons or why they are so.

1) Dark matter exists in clumps, as Lawrence correctly states. Those clumps are around galaxies. Dark matter is around where there is other visible matter, and in fact it is calculated that it's gravitational attraction helped form the galaxies and stars. It is more prevalent than visible matter, by a factor of about 6-7. Total matter in the universe is about 30% of the total mass-energy of the universe, with visible matter about 4-5%, 24-25% dark matter. In the large, averaging the density of both types of matter over multiple galaxies and cluster, say over distances of about 300 million light years (thus averaging galaxies and space between them), that average or cosmological density of dark matter, and also of visible matter, is the same, or constant, throughout the observable universe. That is said as the matter, in the large, is distributed homogeneously in the universe (but it clumps in galaxies etc as explained).

More, the total amount of matter is roughly constant in the universe, over time. As the universe expands that same total matter (including visible and dark) gets more diluted as the universe size increases. The density thus decreases, as $1/R^3$. So, yes, the density decreases, but the total quantity of matters (density X volume) stays the same. This has been observationall observed and is perfectly consistent with the standard model of cosmological expansion. Thus, dark matter has not been observed as having diminished. It could not have turned into dark energy.

2) Dark matter clumping around galaxies has been mapped. We can measure its density inside and in the halo of galaxies, and map it as very little or any at all in between them. It has mass and gravitates (attracts other matter and energy). It is the reason it helped form galaxies and stars. It is believed to be very weakly interacting (other than gravity) particles that were leftover remnants of the super high densities and temperatures soon after the Big Bang. They've not found the actual particles yet, they are thought to most likely be WIMPS, weakly interacting massive particles. May of them are passing through the earth and us at any time. They are looking for them. But nothing indicates they Are disappearing and turning into dark energy. Or viceversa, we don't see it increasing.

3) Dark energy is covered extensively by Lawrence. It is estimated to have the same density now and in the past, and in fact the total quantity increases as the universe expands and more space, and volume, is created. It is about 70% of the universe mass-energy, the density is constant and the total dark energy is therefore increasing with the volume of the universe, I.e., as $R^3$. As it increases the rate of expansion of the universe increases - our universe's expansion is accelerating. The dark energy can not be decreasing, al,our observations and measurements are consistent with what Lawrence and I described. We know the acceleration at earlier times was less - when we look at galaxies 5 billion light years ago we are seeing what they were like 5 billion years ago. So we can see the acceleration over time, and it is consistent with the dark matter density being constant and the total increasing with the universe volume.

4) Yes, dark energy is more mysterious than dark matter, and a toally different beast. It is as Lawrence states most likely some quantum field arising from the quantum property of spacetime, or said more intuitively, the actual energy of space. People are looking for hints of what it might be, but there's not even a good theory of quantum spacetime, or as is usually called, quantum gravity. Some quantum speculations are that it is the vacuum fluctuations of empty space. Wishing it away by having it decay to dark matter is not a possibility, it does not decay nor diminish nor turn into anything we can figure out.

You can look in Wikipedia for dark energy and dark matter, and the universe expansion, it'll tell you more. Hopefully this helps understand the simple facts and rationale for what is described for those two dark entities.

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