Friday, August 25, 2017

Software Riddle

 This riddle is a computer program/language. Enjoy!

I used to love the Sun
Now I pray to my oracle
I'm said to virtualize all
I'm not picky, working anywhere...

I love my classes-all of them
I love my matter-known as objects
I love running parallel-too lazy to wait
Fans worldwide build and break with me!

My syntax-derived from a letter
many programmers found me familiar

I have nothing included-very greedy
And I must import all!

I want every line torn apart, as this is an easy one :)


You are


I used to love the Sun
Now I pray to my oracle

Sun Microsystems used to be the standards keeper for the JRE and JDK; now Oracle Ltd. has inherited that role.

I'm said to virtualize all
I'm not picky, working anywhere...

All methods in Java classes are what C++ calls virtual by default, referring to the fact that they are dynamically bound. Java code is deployable across numerous operating systems and platforms, in numerous "flavours" (standard, micro, and enterprise). A great deal of firmware also runs on Java.

I love my classes-all of them
I love my matter-known as objects

Java OOP structure primitives are called classes, and all Java classes are a subclass of Object

I love running parallel-too lazy to wait
Fans worldwide build and break with me!

Java 5 and later come with a significant concurrency (i.e. parallel execution) API. Java enjoys a broad adoption in numerous platforms worldwide.

My syntax-derived from a letter
many programmers found me familiar

Java inherits much of its syntax from the programming language C.

I have nothing included-very greedy
And I must import all!

By default, without imports, a Java file only has access to other classes in its package and classes in java.lang.*, which is an incredibly sparse collection of objects such as boxing primitives, System interface methods, and some common exceptions.

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