Thursday, August 24, 2017

Riley Riddle because you know you want to

Riley Riddle

My prefix is humble, my suffix is prime,

My infix assisted a Russian in crime,

I know all the secrets of this little town

And if you need me, just look around.

What am I?

Hint 1:

The second line has nothing to do with politics.

Hint 2:

The title of the puzzle is irrelevant to the solution.

Hint 3:

The "prefix" word is mostly used in UK.

The Super Final Very Last Hint:

The word itself is actually very small and simple, mundane even. No higher matters are involved. Think your typical friday night :)

Starting to doubt the quality of this one since it's taking quite some time to solve. Here is the Super Absolutely Very Much Final and Incredibly Last Hint:

The suffIX is Roman.


I think the answer is


My prefix is humble,

Ta - short for "thank you" (British), a humble exclamation of gratitude.

my suffix is prime,

XI - 11 in Roman numerals, which is a prime number.

My infix assisted a Russian in crime,

Ax (Axe) - In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov kills his victim using an axe.

I know all the secrets of this little town

Taxi drivers are privy to all sorts of local secrets.

And if you need me, just look around.

Often in a busy town, you can easily flag a taxi down.

The Super Final Very Last Hint

Friday and Saturday night tend to be the busiest times for taxi drivers (in several countries) as people are transported to/from their favourite pubs and clubs throughout the night.

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