Sunday, August 20, 2017

riddle - Four Directions #8 - Where and what am I? (fan-made)

To the north is a bank of extreme altercations.
To the west is a land that is claimed by no nations.
To the south is a seat of a union's operations.
To the east is a site of devout lapidations.
Five years since they laid down this giant's foundations.

What and where am I?

Earlier parts in the series: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7


You are the

Jeddah Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

To the north is a bank of extreme altercations.

This could be the West Bank in Israel/Palestine

To the west is a land that is claimed by no nations.

As @Duck mentioned, the Bir Tawil Triangle

To the south is a seat of a union's operations.

The African Union is seated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

To the east is a site of devout lapidations.

In Mecca, they have a Stoning of the Devil ceremony (devout lapidation means religious stoning)

Five years since they laid down this giant's foundations.

Construction on the Jeddah Tower started in 2013, 5 years ago.

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