Thursday, August 24, 2017

quantum field theory - How to replace $T$-product with retarded commutator in LSZ formula?

I am reading Itzykson and Zuber's Quantum Field Theory book, and am unable to understand a step that is made on page 246:

Here, they consider the elastic scattering of particle $A$ off particle $B$:

$$A(q_1) + B(p_1) ~\rightarrow~ A(q_2) + B(p_2)$$

and proceed to write down the $S$-matrix element using the LSZ formula, with the $A$ particles reduced:

$$S_{fi}=-\int d^4x\, d^4y e^{i(q_2.y-q_1.x)}(\square_y+m_a^2)(\square_x+m_a^2)\langle p_2|T \varphi^\dagger(y) \varphi(x)|p_1 \rangle \tag{5-169}$$

Then they say that because $q_1$ and $q_2$ are in the forward light cone, the time-ordered product can be replaced by a retarded commutator:

$$T \varphi^\dagger(y) \varphi(x) ~\rightarrow~ \theta(y^0-x^0)[\varphi^\dagger(y),\,\varphi(x)]\,.$$

This justification for this replacement completely eludes me. What is the mathematical reason for this?

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