Thursday, August 31, 2017

cipher - What is MOehm trying to tell us?

MOehm has an interesting (updated) profile picture:

enter image description here

It is a lower case and italic 'm' (supposedly for 'M'Oehm) surrounded by what appears to be braille.

The braille says (in UEB, may mean different in other languages): (* used to indicate braille that has no apparent meaning)

ka;ak*k l*,*

a,*b,la* ,;ak

Some of the unknown symbols could be rotated or flipped symbols. However the rest doesn't make sense.

Note: I don't know the answer. If it turns out rude or inappropriate (Which I doubt) don't blame me. Puzzles like this have been done before, and are therefore on-topic.


If you

XOR / OR (doesn't matter since the input is never 11) each braille code with the one on the opposite side of it.

you get


which means

a wordplay of MISFORMATTING (his first name is Martin).

M IS FOR MARTIN (Thanks to Deusovi for enlightening me).

Giving the real name

Martin Oehm

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