Monday, November 20, 2017

enigmatic puzzle - A new kind of cipher?

I believe that I may have created a new kind of cipher, would you be able to solve it? (I'll let you know what I've decided to name it once you've solved it :) )

a r r
n c r
l b e
g a o
l a b y s e o e l
t t w o s i u z n
u a o

s e g


If you are looking at this 2 dimensionally, you are going about it wrong.


If we follow the clue from the comments, and

Break the image into six parts, each representing the face of a rectangular prism, we get:

a r r
n c r

l b e
g a o

l a b
t t w

y s e
o s i

o e l
u z n

u a o
s e g

Then, if we take

the top left characters first, followed by the top middle characters, etc. we get: allyourbasearebelongtouscatszerowing.

This, when adding spaces and punctuation, gives the quote (and popular Internet meme, apparently):

"All your base are belong to us." -CATS (Zero Wing)

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