Saturday, November 25, 2017

general relativity - Does acceleration warp space?

I know that mass warps spacetime and gravity and acceleration are equivalent so does acceleration warp spacetime too?


Sort of. You are correct in saying (with some caveats) that gravity and acceleration are equivalent. According to general relativity, gravity is manifested as curvature of spacetime. As we know from special relativity and Einstein's famous equation $E = mc^2$, energy and mass are equivalent. As a result, any type of energy contributes to gravity (i.e. to the curvature of spacetime). This relationship can be seen directly from Einstein's Field Equations of General Relativity:

\begin{equation} G_{\mu\nu} = 8\pi T_{\mu\nu}, \end{equation}

where the left hand side of the equation (called the Einstein tensor) contains information about the curvature of spacetime and the right hand side (called the stress-energy tensor) contains information about the mass and energy contained in that spacetime.

Recall that Minkowski spacetime is the spacetime of special relativity. That is, it has no curvature (no gravity) and is the shape of spacetime when you are in an inertial (non-accelerating) reference frame. So, let's ask the question: what happens when you accelerate in Minkowski space?

The answer is that spacetime no longer looks flat to accelerated observers. This is precisely the equivalence principle; locally we cannot tell if we are in a gravitational field or accelerating. Thus, when we are in fact accelerating in a flat spacetime, everything will locally appear as though we are in a spacetime that is curved due to gravity.

There are other interesting similarities between accelerated observers in flat spacetime and observers in gravitational fields. For example, accelerated motion leads to horizons similar to the event horizon of a black hole because if you accelerate at a constant rate for long enough then there will be portions of the spacetime to which you can never send or recieve light signals. There is also an analog of Hawking radiation that occurs for accelerated observers in Minkowski space, called the Unruh effect.

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