Friday, November 24, 2017

HAISU (Room Count): An original grid-logic challenge

HAISU is a portmanteau of three Japanese words - 'hairu', to enter, 'su', number, and 'hausu', an English borrow word meaning house, of course.
Together, we get a meaning of 'enter number house', which I have roughly translated to English as 'Room Count'.

The rules are simple - draw a path from the O to the X, passing through every cell in the grid exactly once. The grid is divided into several rooms. When your path passes over a cell with the big number N, it must be the Nth time you have entered the room. If a room has a small number m in the top left corner, you must enter that room a total of m times. An example Haisu puzzle and its unique solution are shown below.

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Hopefully this example puzzle clarifies the rules. Your actual challenge is this!

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No guessing, no handwavy steps, just pure logic required to solve this puzzle!

Edit: A long awaited fix.


Here is what I came up with by adding lines 1 by 1 where I could prove it was 100%. Please forgive the atrocious paint display after all my redo and deletions.

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bottom right : only way to hit the 2 on the second entrance while keeping an exit open to go up after.
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bottom right : only way to hit every tiles without entering more than 3 times.
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right : only way to hit the 1 on first entrance and the 2 on second entrance. Cannot loop any higher without blocking the final loop for the exit(takes quite a bit of thinking to see it; could have been left for later when it is more obvious)
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Only way to hit the 1 on first entrance without dooming the tile to its right to eternal solitude.

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Must touch the 1 on first time in and must only enter 2 times.
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Follow the only possible path to allow the correct amount of entrances.
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More logical deductions based on required number of entrances.
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