Tuesday, November 7, 2017

wordplay - I've seen these movies countless ties

I wanted to make a puzzle for you all with some help from my friends so I dictated a list of my favourite movies to Paul and he typed them up. He then gave the list to Alice to describe the titles.

I looked at Alice's list and I was initially confused, because her sentences didn't describe my film titles. Then it became apparent that the keyboard Paul had used wasn't working very well. Every item on my list had been typed with a single letter missing. Of course the spellchecker didn't pick up on it, because every title still made sense.

I've reproduced Alice's list here with the year of the film and the missing letter.

  1. B (2009): One cereal grain that knows how to party.

  2. C (2006): Footwear jottings.

  3. E (1967): Do you wear that to sleep in? Your head must get hot.

  4. E (1981): My mum's an angel, but he's completely different.

  5. E (2011): The fish that spawned all the rest.

  6. G (1975): He wants to marry into our family.

  7. G (1977): You aren't allowed to marry that many women. You'll be one over the limit.

  8. H (1993): That's a lot of fuss to make about some shorthand.

  9. H (1994): I know that tombstones don't exactly look healthy, but this one is terrible. It's yellow too.

  10. I (1964): I have many girlfriends, but this one takes the longest to get to.

  11. I (1979): A tale of the outer layer of a cereal grain.

  12. I (1996): I filed for protection of my invention in London.

  13. K (1967): I was walking through the forest and someone surprised me with an exclamation.

  14. L (1959): She's gorgeous, but those sores haven't healed yet.

  15. L (1985): A baby bear who eats with us every morning.

  16. L (1990): Joseph's father had a snake.

  17. L (1994): Stories about young dogs.

  18. L (1995): The corpse appears to be stirring. He's not asleep.

  19. M (1991): The researchers have gone home - it's so quiet.

  20. N (1954): The lady at the back has lost her husband.

  21. N (1973): It's the bloke off Top Gear.

  22. N (1973): Pay attention, Dorothy.

  23. N (1977): My youngest child has met a lot of strangers. The other two haven't.

  24. N (1990): Only use this shed if you are in Russia in the middle of autumn.

  25. N (2002): Manhattan comedy.

  26. N (2012): These competitions are bigger than last time.

  27. O (1971): That's a big cooker. How long does it take to wind it up?

  28. O (1989): All they do is talk about their deceased animals.

  29. O (1992): Not many ministers.

  30. P (1983): It would look better if we took the red ones from your shoes and swapped them with the black ones in mine.

  31. R (1930): These mass baptisms are really noisy, but the minister furthest from the sunrise has everything under control.

  32. R (1969): He's a real pain in the neck.

  33. R (1982): Knuckle gore.

  34. R (2002): Less than half the people are planting up their seedlings.

  35. R (2008): His electrons and protons don't match.

  36. S (1977): Battles over bitumen.

  37. S (1992): Her only coin.

  38. S (1995): A Conservative that you play with.

  39. S (2000): Missing feline.

  40. S (2004): When he passed away, all he left us were these garden tools.

  41. T (1953): The god of shepherds in the House of Lords.

  42. T (1955): A women encounters a change of gradient.

  43. T (1968): Do those monkeys fly that thing?

  44. T (1986): I don't like it at the beach. This stuff makes me uncomfortable.

  45. U (1955): He'd cause a lot more trouble if he had some luggage!

  46. U (1978): We use it to wash all the creatures.

Question: Can you work out the titles as Alice saw them, and how they should have been?


  1. B (2009): One cereal grain that knows how to party.

    The (B)oat That Rocked

  2. C (2006): Footwear jottings.

    Notes on a S(c)andal

  3. E (1967): Do you wear that to sleep in? Your head must get hot.

    In the H(e)at of the Night

  4. E (1981): My mum's an angel, but he's completely different.

    The Evil D(e)ad

  5. E (2011): The fish that spawned all the rest.

    Source Cod(e)

  6. G (1975): He wants to marry into our family.

    The Man Who Would Be Kin(g)

  7. G (1977): You aren't allowed to marry that many women. You'll be one over the limit.

    A Brid(g)e Too Far

  8. H (1993): That's a lot of fuss to make about some shorthand.

    Much Ado About Not(h)ing

  9. H (1994): I know that tombstones don't exactly look healthy, but this one is terrible. It's yellow too.

    S(h)allow Grave

  10. I (1964): I have many girlfriends, but this one takes the longest to get to.

    My Fa(i)r Lady

  11. I (1979): A tale of the outer layer of a cereal grain.

    Monty Python's Life of Br(i)an

  12. I (1996): I filed for protection of my invention in London.

    The English Pat(i)ent

  13. K (1967): I was walking through the forest and someone surprised me with an exclamation.

    The Jungle Boo(k)

  14. L (1959): She's gorgeous, but those sores haven't healed yet.

    S(l)eeping Beauty

  15. L (1985): A baby bear who eats with us every morning.

    Breakfast C(l)ub

  16. L (1990): Joseph's father had a snake.

    Jacob's (L)adder

  17. L (1994): Stories about young dogs.

    Pu(l)p Fiction

  18. L (1995): The corpse appears to be stirring. He's not asleep.

    The Wa(l)king Dead

  19. M (1991): The researchers have gone home - it's so quiet.

    The Silence of the La(m)bs

  20. N (1954): The lady at the back has lost her husband.

    Rear Wi(n)dow

  21. (1973): It's the bloke off Top Gear.

    The Sti(n)g

  22. N (1973): Pay attention, Dorothy.

    Do(n')t Look Now

  23. N (1977): My youngest child has met a lot of strangers. The other two haven't. '

    Close Encounters of the Third Ki(n)d

  24. N (1990): Only use this shed if you are in Russia in the middle of autumn.

    The Hu(n)t for Red October

  25. N (2002): Manhattan comedy.

    Ga(n)gs of New York

  26. N (2012): These competitions are bigger than last time.

    The Hu(n)ger Games

  27. O (1971): That's a big cooker. How long does it take to wind it up?

    A Clockwork (O)range

  28. O (1989): All they do is talk about their deceased animals.

    Dead P(o)ets Society

  29. O (1992): Not many ministers.

    A Few Go(o)d Men

  30. P (1983): It would look better if we took the red ones from your shoes and swapped them with the black ones in mine.

    Trading (P)laces

  31. R (1930): These mass baptisms are really noisy, but the minister furthest from the sunrise has everything under control.

    All Quiet on the Western F(r)ont

  32. R (1969): He's a real pain in the neck.

    True G(r)it

  33. R (1982): Knuckle gore.

    Fi(r)st Blood

  34. R (2002): Less than half the people are planting up their seedlings.

    Minority Repo(r)t

  35. R (2008): His electrons and protons don't match.

    I(r)on Man

  36. S (1977): Battles over bitumen.

    (S)tar Wars

  37. S (1992): Her only coin.

    (S)cent of a Woman

  38. S (1995): A Conservative that you play with.

    Toy (S)tory

  39. S (2000): Missing feline.

    Ca(s)t Away

  40. S (2004): When he passed away, all he left us were these garden tools.

    Dead Man's (S)hoes

  41. T (1953): The god of shepherds in the House of Lords.

    Pe(t)er Pan

  42. T (1955): A women encounters a change of gradient.

    Lady and the (T)ramp

  43. T (1968): Do those monkeys fly that thing?

    Plane(t) of the Apes

  44. T (1986): I don't like it at the beach. This stuff makes me uncomfortable.

    S(t)and By Me

  45. U (1955): He'd cause a lot more trouble if he had some luggage!

    Rebel Without a Ca(u)se

  46. U (1978): We use it to wash all the creatures.

    Animal Ho(u)se

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