Wednesday, November 15, 2017

riddle - A single word - what am I?

A musician oft rehearsed
Together with his part reversed
But he was not himself as such
A single word - two's much too much


The single word may be:


A musician oft rehearsed

Bach - a very popular composer

Inspiration from Jonathan Allan

Together with his part reversed

His part is his 'role' & reversed is 'elor', which 'together with' 'Bach' makes 'Bachelor''

From OP - Bach composed pieces (e.g. J. S. Bach's The Musical Offering) in crab canon and can rehearsed with the parts reversed, as they are often the same. This in essence is a hint to reach Bach within the puzzle itself.

But he was not himself as such

Edit from OP's improvement

Bach was not a bachelor!

Original - Concatenating above gives bachelor

A single word - two's much too much

A bachelor is a single man ('single word' can be a 'word for single'). JS Bach was married twice, two wives being much too much to be a bachelor. Also 'two' (as in a twosome) is the antithesis of bachelordom.

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