Wednesday, August 1, 2018

quantum mechanics - Can you magnetize iron with a hammer?

We know that a piece of ferromagnet, such as iron, can be magnetized by putting in a strong magnetic field to get domains parallel to the field grow.

I also remember from pop. culture and MacGyver old tv series that you can magnetize a piece of iron by hitting it hard, with a hammer say, along the same direction.

1-Is this way of magnetizing iron scientific? or is it pseudoscience?

and if it is scientific then:

2-what is the physical principle that will allow iron to get magnetized by hitting? and

3-how about nonferromagnetic materials?


Seems that it can be done, and here are instructions

copying from link:

Strike an iron nail squarely and sharply several times with a hammer while keeping the nail positioned in a north-south orientation. The impact of the hammer with the iron nail causes the magnetic domains within the nail to break loose from their current orientation. The Earth's magnetic field will then reposition the domains into a new orientation parallel with the Earth's magnetic field.

It is evident that this can be done only with materials that have small domains with magnetization, which are randomly oriented, so the material has to be ferromagnetic.

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