Friday, July 12, 2019

riddle - The lamest rhyme I ever wrote

The lamest rhyme I ever wrote
Was one involving Don Quixote.

No, wait, a lamer one than that,
The famous movie Chocolat.
But maybe even lamer still,
The butchering of "centre-ville".
And finally, to fill this hole,
The food we know as ____________.

What word ends this horrible rhyming stanza?


The word is



The pairs of words all look like they rhyme since they end in pretty much the same letters, but they don't actually rhyme.

"wrote" doesn't rhyme with "Quixote", which is pronounced in the Spanish way.

"that" doesn't rhyme with the French pronunciation of "chocolat"

"still" doesn't rhyme with the French pronunciation of "centre-ville"

"hole" doesn't rhyme with "guacamole", which is pronounced in the Spanish way.

They're all lame rhymes since none of them actually rhyme!

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