Wednesday, July 24, 2019

story - Clue 18 - Should this be on Stack Overflow?

<<---First clue

<---Previous clue

As you sit at the computer that you used to solve the last puzzle, a popup window opens. It appears to be a Stack Overflow question, with a very generic name: Why isn't my code working?

As you look closer, however, you notice several things - the URL has been blocked out, along with the name and avatar of the OP. The question score is at -18. Based upon this information, you assume that it must be your next Clue.

va one = parsent('5D0', Math.og2(65536));
var two = fivetiesthree * 101 - 1;
var three = Date.parshe('1/1/1970 0:00:01.489 GMT+0');
var four = one + two - three;
et first_two = String.fromCharCode(one, two);
cnst last = eval(`'\\u0${three.toString(16)}'`) + JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(our.toString(16)).replace(/"/,'"\\u0'));
console.lo([last, first_two].reerse().join(''));

Next clue--->



"wrong" letters I have found (NB these are the same ones as listed by stack reader, plus the extra space, but as it happens I found them independently)

when transformed by

A->Z, B->Y, ..., Z->A,

yield the phrase

"iron solute".

Why that transformation? Because

if you fix the bugs in the code, what it puts in the console log is "Atbash" in Hebrew letters.

At Scimonster's request, here is the code with the bugs taken out:

var one = parseInt('5D0', Math.log2(65536));
var two = fivetimesthree * 101 - 1;
var three = Date.parse('1/1/1970 0:00:01.489 GMT+0');
var four = one + two - three;
let first_two = String.fromCharCode(one, two);
const last = eval(`'\\u0${three.toString(16)}'`) + JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(four.toString(16)).replace(/"/,'"\\u0'));
console.log([last, first_two].reverse().join(''));

On my browser, this actually still doesn't work and I have to fix up the date to something like this:

var three = Date.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01.489+0000');

at which point I get the following in the console:


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