Thursday, August 8, 2019

enigmatic puzzle - Not "Bingo," not "Snoopy..."

On a recent job application, I was asked to make a list of notes that I thought were pertinent to my being considered for the job. They asked me for "No more than 1101" numbered statements, and I think they said that each statement should contain two items, but I ignored that.

These are what I came up with:

  1. The reason I'm departing my other job is, like, them other dudes told me to, like, get to work at eight AM. Screw that!

  2. The previous goons that tried to employ me tried making me cook the nearby hillfolk.

  3. Paddy O'Connor told me I'd get Oreos for every other lunch; this I demand.

  4. A Googol simoleons is a tiny fee, in my opinion, considering the workmanship I bring.

  5. Oh, you wouldn't believe it, but heights at night spook me; so ixnay climbing large oaks late at night.

  6. One personal hobby I have: bloodletting (I cook with it).

  7. Note: please don't misconstrue "too many listed jobs" to mean I'm a job hopper.

  8. One situation: wooden boots won't be worn by me. Not going to occur.

  9. Another thing I've done that makes me impressive? Wholly responsible, I was, for 2 failed establishments.

  10. Curiously, I have no type of mechanism I use for transit, per se, I confess, yet I certainly get around.

  11. One thing I have in overabundance? Humility, often I am told. Will this be a problem?

  12. The only music hobby that interests me? The cello. I tried the bassoon, and my instructor nearly Hara-kiri'd himself.

  13. An addition, I have a dog that looks funny (his name escapes me!). The hound likes playing with miniscule bones and organs.

Now, I'm pretty old (HA!) and forgetful, so I'd like you to help me remember some stuff.

What name do I sign at the bottom of the application, what job am I applying for and, obviously, What is my dog's name???

Hint 1:

Perhaps This Previous Question of mine will provide some food for thought?
Note: This puzzle won't be solved exactly as the previous one was.

Hint 2:

Maybe the order I was given was that my statements should be pairs of thoughts.

Hint 3:

(From statement #1) Depending on the location, I could possibly get to work at 8AM.

Hint 4:

(From statement #4) My workmanship is light-years ahead of its time.

Hint 5:

(From statement #5) This statement is really, really hard to believe.

Hint 6:

Hint #2 is a very helpful hint.

Hint 7:

I apologize for the graphic nature of my hobby (#6).


Working from D Krueger's answer:

Would you sign Orion, and your Dog would be Majoris, or Sirius? As for your job, possibly Hunter, or Astronomer? OP made Intended answers bold


From the coordinated D Krueger found, the (19,27), (20,28) and (21,29) with the surrounding 4 points reminded me of the Orion constellation, which coincidentally is followed by Canis Major...

This fits with a few of the more "sane" sounding points (possibly more, but I'm not an expert here, and maybe I'm shoehorning horribly):

1. Spotting the constellations is heavily time dependent, but your location is obviously important here too...

5. A constellation afraid of being up high at night is a bit absurd
10. The stars "travel" across the sky, though there is no vehicle as such.
11. Orion was said to be the most handsome of the earth born


showing plotted points in Green
enter image description here

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