Friday, January 24, 2020

logical deduction - Fairy Chess #1- The Mastermind

(Fairy chess is a general term for any kind of chess variant with pieces that aren't used in the normal game)

(Inspired by The Black Prowler (chess))

In this variant, white has their entire army against one black Mastermind. The Mastermind has the following special rules:

  • It can start on any space that one of White's pieces doesn't start on.

  • It can't move on its turn.

  • On its turn, it must make a single legal move for White, with one exception: it can capture white pieces with this move.

For example, a possible opening is 1. e4 Kxd1.

In addition, one additional rule for White: White's king acts as any other piece and can be captured as any other piece.

White wins when they capture the Mastermind.

I've recently updated the win condition for black due to complaints in comments: black wins when White can't capture the Mastermind no matter what, unless Black has to force a three-move repetition in order for this to happen. (A three-move repetition is still a draw.)

Assuming best play, what is the outcome of this game?

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