Saturday, January 11, 2020

A question about the properties of plasma and its potential use in recycling

I have multiple questions linking into a potential recycling method; I'm curious if any of these ideas are possible, or if I'm having a pipe dream:

  • Can any gas be turned into plasma?

  • Can multiple types of gases together be turned into plasma at one time?

  • Can plasmas be turned into another state of matter?

  • In a plasma state, do like molecules attract?

  • Do plasmas of different elements have different densities?

I was thinking about a recycling system where trash is burned and the resulting toxic gases are captured and ionized into plasma. In the plasma state, they are piped to another storage area where they are sorted into like elements based off density.

If it is possible to change the state of matter for such waste products, is it then possible to take the resultant distilled elements and change them back into useable solids/liquids/gases?

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