Tuesday, January 21, 2020

riddle - Who am I, and when will I appear?

I came regularly once a year, from '05 to '08,
Barely staggered through the next couple of years,
Returned in 2010, and broke in 2011.
In '12 and '13 I was only half there,
But in '14 and '15 I was back like clockwork.
This year I didn't appear at all!

Who am I? And when will I next appear?


I think it's

Dr. Who TV Series

I came regularly once a year, from '05 to '08,

It was relaunched in 2005. Lines from Wikipedia Doctor Who finally returned with the episode "Rose" on BBC One on 26 March 2005. There have since been nine further series in 2006–2008. It was not broadcasted in year 2009. By broke it means, it was broken with a mid-season finale

In '12 and '13 I was only half there,

The series was broken into pieces and was not broadcasted fully in 2012 and 2013.

But in '14 and '15 I was back like clockwork.

It reappeared with Series 8 and Series 9 in 2014 and 2015. Thanks to @Paolo for this from one of the reference - "Series 8 opens with a swooping shot through the gears of a clock before the Tardis spins into view, spiralling through a surrealist vortex of clock faces. It became a viral hit on YouTube, notching over 885,000 views, and Moffat was one of them."

This year I didn't appear at all!

Has not been broadcasted yet while its being filmed.

Who am I? And when will I next appear?

You are Dr. Who and will appear next year 2017. April 2017 specifically.

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