Saturday, January 18, 2020

story - Ultimate Puzzling Challenge: Puzzle A1

Note: The story begins here

You are Bob. You excitedly go to the starting area to start Section A (maps). You are presented with this letter:

So you finished that one, huh? You are now starting Section A! To begin, I'll give you a relatively simple one...

- Mr. Riddle Guy

Here is the puzzle.

Two capital cities bordering each other far south, Find the distance to the smallest country anywhere.


The two capital cities sharing a border in the south are:

Kinshasaa, Democratic Republic of Congo and Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

The smallest country anywhere is:

Vatican City

The distance between the two is:

5120 KM

Old Answer before the edit:

The distance from the border of the largest country to the smallest country is:

0 km. They share a border.

Two possible options are:
1. Vatican City and Rome, Italy
2. Kinshasaa, Democratic Republic of Congo and Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

The smallest of these is of course Vatican City

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