Friday, October 30, 2015

homework and exercises - Calculate water flow rate through orifice

I'm not very good with fluid physics, and need some help. Imagine the following setup with water contained in-front of a wall with an opening on the bottom:

Fluid image

How do I calculate the water flow $Q$?. I have made some re-search and found I need to (partially) calculate the pressure across the opening (orifice). But I don't know the pressure on the back side of the orifice. Can this be solved in any way?

Note: I'm not saying "please give me the solution, I'm lazy". I want to figure it out myself. But since, in this case, I only found formulas involving calculating pressure drop, I canno't use them to solve the problem. Therefore I'm turning my face to you, to see if there's another way to solve this problem.

Update: The "tank" holding the water is actually a big lake, and the opening is how much the water gate have opened. I need to very precisely calculate how much water flows through the opening.

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