Thursday, February 18, 2016

quantum mechanics - Photon wave packets from distant stars

A distant star like the sun, thousands of light years away, could be so faint that only one photon might arrive per square meter every few hundred seconds. How can we think about such an arriving photon in wave packet terms?

Years ago, in a popularisation entitled “Quantum Reality”, Nick Herbert suggested that the photon probability density function in such a case would be a macroscopic entity, something like a pancake with a diameter of metres in the direction transverse to motion, but very thin. (I know the wave packet is a mathematical construct, not a physical entity).

I have never understood how such a calculation could have been derived. After such a lengthy trip, tight lateral localisation suggests a broad transverse momentum spectrum. And since we know the photon’s velocity is c, the reason for any particular pancake “thickness” in the direction of motion seems rather obscure.

(Herbert then linked the wave packet width to the possibilities of stellar optical interferometry).


first of all, the shape of the wave function of a photon that is emitted by an atom is independent of the number of photons because the photons are almost non-interacting and the atoms that emit them are pretty much independent of each other. So if an atom on the surface of a star spontaneously emits a photon, the photon is described by pretty much the same wave function as a single photon from a very dim, distant source. The wave function of many photons emitted by different atoms is pretty much the tensor product of many copies of the wave function for a single photon: they're almost independent, or unentangled, if you wish.

The direction of motion of the photon is pretty much completely undetermined. It is just a complete nonsense that the wave function of a photon coming from distant galaxies will have the transverse size of several meters. The Gentleman clearly doesn't know what he is talking about. If the photon arrives from the distance of billions of light years, the size of the wave function in the angular directions will be counted in billions of light years, too.

I think it's always the wrong "classical intuition" that prevents people from understanding that wave functions of particles that are not observed are almost completely delocalized. You would need a damn sharp LASER - one that we don't possess - to keep photons in a few-meter-wide region after a journey that took billions of years. Even when we shine our sharpest lasers to the Moon which is just a light second away, we get a one-meter-wide spot on the Moon. And yes, this size is what measures the size of the wave function. For many photons created in similar ways, the classical electromagnetic field pretty much copies the wave function of each photon when it comes to the spatial extent.

Second, the thickness of the wave packet. Well, you may just Fourier-transform the wave packet and determine the composition of individual frequencies. If the frequency i.e. the momentum of the photon were totally well-defined, the wave packet would have to be infinitely thick. In reality, the width in the frequency space is determined up to $\Gamma$ which is essentially equal to the inverse lifetime of the excited state. The Fourier transform back to the position space makes the width in the position space close to $c$ times the lifetime of the excited state or so.

It's not surprising: when the atom is decaying - emitting a photon - it is gradually transforming to a wave function in which the photon has already been emitted, aside from the original wave function in which it has not been emitted. (This gradually changing state is used in the Schrödinger cat thought experiment.) Tracing over the atom, we see that the photon that is being created has a wave function that is being produced over the lifetime of the excited state of the atom. So the packet created in this way travels $c$ times this lifetime - and this distance will be the approximate thickness of the packet.

An excited state that lives for 1 millisecond in average will create a photon wave packet whose thickness will be about 300 kilometers. So the idea that the thickness is tiny is just preposterous. Of course, we ultimately detect the photon at a sharp place and at a sharp time but the wave function is distributed over a big portion of the spacetime and the rules of quantum mechanics guarantee that the wave function knows about the probabilistic distribution where or when the photon will be detected.

The thickness essentially doesn't change with time because massless fields or massless particles' wave functions propagate simply by moving uniformly by the speed $c$.

Cheers LM

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