Thursday, February 18, 2016

torque - Static equilibrium question: Horizontal rod attached to a wall

I'm doing a problem on static equilibrium and I'm unclear whether a force exists or not. This is my force diagram:

Force diagram

The setup is: a homogenous rod with a certain mass is attached to a vertical wall on one side, an object hangs on the other side, and a cable connects the rod to the wall with a tension T. I understand which forces are needed for static equilibrium. What I'm confused about is what's happening at point A. Since the wall exerts a force on the rod which points upwards (Fy, rod), per Newton's 3rd Law does the rod then exert a force on the wall which points downwards (Fy, wall)?

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classical mechanics - Moment of a force about a given axis (Torque) - Scalar or vectorial?

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