Friday, December 22, 2017

big bang - Universe being flat and why we can't see or access the space "behind" our universe plane?

I'm a layman, but i watched some intereting videos about big bang on youtube[michio kaku, hawking this kind of things, not some crackpots :)]

I described everything on my picture:

enter image description here

So is there any possibility to see that inner side, for example, by creating wormhole, or entering new dimension? Or i get something wrong, on the way, and my model is totally wrong?

And another question. I heard that even if you would fly a ship across the universe you would eventually end in the place where you started, because we live in a 3d space that is defined on a surface of big sphere. But why a big sphere? Universe might be a big mobius strip, and the same principle of ending at start will apply. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance, and please don't bash me for silly questions. Im just curious, but i don't have any degree in physics. Im also not an english native speaker.


As far as we know right now, you cant see outside the universe. For that to be possible you'd need some way for information to leave and enter the universe. I'm not aware of anything in physics that allows that. Even in black holes, to the best of my knowledge information and energy are preserved once they go inside.

To the second question: If the universe is "closed" then yes, in theory you can travel in a line and get back to where you started. But, if it's flat(like a plane) then it would be infinite and you just keep going forever. We just dont know for sure what the geometry of the universe is. It's very likely that it's flat and infinite.

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