Friday, December 29, 2017

logical deduction - Where did you end up? [Part 1]

Follow the clues and tell me where you are in the end.

  1. PSE

  2. To the opposite of the opposite of 2 + 2 ~= 4

  3. Go to the way you round .5

  4. If up is down and down is up go down

  5. You're on the right track

  6. You've made it, where are you?

This is part 1. I may not make a part 2, but others in the community may.


  1. PSE very likely stands for puzzles.stackexchange, hence I'm starting right here.

  2. The statement 2 + 2 ≠ 4 is wrong. The opposite of wrong is right. The opposite of right is left.

  3. .5 is rounded up (usually, on pen and paper).

  4. Up (proper) is down (1), and down (1) is up (2). Ergo up (2) is up (proper), and we can deduce that down (2) is therefore down (proper). Hence by going down (2), I go down.

  5. You're on the right track.

  6. I've gone up, down, right, and left, thus I'm right back where I started: on puzzles.stackexchange! :D

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