Friday, December 29, 2017

general relativity - What is the meaning of the "expansion of space"?

When we say that "the space between galaxies is expanding," what do we really mean? For instance, if I think of space as being a Cartesian grid, then when space expands should I think of it as adding more grid-points or as making the distance between the grid-points larger? Or is this a flawed picture of space-time even when far from significant mass densities?

It seems to me that it must be the case that we are "adding more grid-points" because otherwise we would not observe the expansion since anything that occupied that part of the grid (e.g. light, my hand, etc.) would also expand by a corresponding amount (otherwise, after a sufficient amount of expansion, we would be able to observe sub-atomic scale processes as being macroscopic in scale). But if it is the case that we are adding more grid-points, then the "expansion" of space seems like a misnomer: shouldn't it be called the "creation" of space?

That being said, either case (adding grid-points or stretching distances) could conceivably be the same process depending on the nature of space-time (i.e. if it were discrete but dense - like the Rationals - rather than either strictly discrete (Integers) or strictly continuous (Reals)... I hope that analogy makes sense).

So what is really going on in intergalactic space? What is the meaning of its expansion? Does it correspond to creating more space, stretching the space that's already there, or something more subtle?

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