Saturday, December 23, 2017

special relativity - How does a photon experience space and time?

To an an external observer it appears that time has stopped for photon. But this relation is reflexive, so for an observer travelling with the photon it appears the universe has stopped everywhere.

Is this right?

Space also gets distorted parallel to the direction of motion, but not perpendicular to it.

Does this mean that for an observer travelling with a photon sees spacetime as a flat plane?

Note 1: I'm using language vividly not literally when I say a photon experiences space and time. Not that I'm against idealist or panpyschist interpretations of matter or energy come to that.

Note 2: Since it's been pointed out that an inertial frame can't be boosted into the frame of a photon and moreover there is no limiting behaviour here - no matter what frame you are boosted into, light will always appear to travel at c. Nevertheless, when an external observer watches a train chasing a photon by gradually increasing its speed, he will note that the train speed is approaching the speed of the photon (but will never match it) and when he looks at the clock inside the train he will not too that it is gradually slowing down (but never actually stops). Using this picture, we can attempt the thought experiment - if not one that can be carried out - of what a world looks like to a photon.


There is a more precise sense in which the question is ill-posed (at least mathematically); namely, it is a fundamental assertion of relativity (special and general) that the time 'measured' (counted, experienced, observed...) by an observer between two events occurring on her worldline is the length of her worldline-segment joining the two events (that's how we connect the physical notion of (personal) time with the mathematics of the theory). The way she determines motion depends on this notion of time. Equivalently, proper time is measured by the arc-length parameter of the observer. Now, since null curves have zero length (hence no arc-length parameter) the concept of proper time is not defined for null observers. Hence neither is (proper) relative motion (i.e `from the photon's perspective').

Also, the relation you describe between timelike and null (instantaneous) observers isn't reflexive at all (whereas it is for the timelike ones, via the `Lorentz boosts'): no isometry of Minkowski space can take a timelike vector to a null one.

Although the question doesn't make sense, in this strict sense, mathematically, perhaps there are other physical or mathematical tricks for interpreting it?

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