Saturday, May 26, 2018

cipher - Oh boi! Dis waas never Engliz! #2

This puzzle is second in the series, the first one being this. But these are related in no way.

Below are some weird combinations of letters, which are actually words translated in some different languages, and concatenated.

  • Each line has one word translated in different languages.

  • These 22 words lead to new groups of words. For example if two of the lines translate to Mount and Everest, the new group will be "Mount Everest".

There can also be words like "eel", "on" , and "must", which on arranging, sound or look like a group, which is Elon Musk in this case.

There will be 10 groups of two words, and two groups as individual words, to have a total of 12 groups (Let this set of groups be called Class A)

  • The groups from class A are related in a way, and can further be grouped, making a total of 4 B-classes, with each having 3 members from class A.

  • There is also a superclass C, which contains everything in class A and B.

What you have to do:

  1. Find the languages

  2. Find the 12 members of class A

  3. Find the 4 members of class B

  4. Find the only member of superclass C

Words below:

  1. tartiblashukuhlungavargakirimasortuvannya

  2. sirrahasyasekretimfihlo

  3. kusaginnayiochlikindlalaholodni

  4. qishebusikasitakalayazyma

  5. honcharumbumbikumbalkarukulol

  6. vihiluvakijokerhazillashadiganzhartivnyk

  7. zalizotemirinsimbiyakada

  8. haritayashilrangdaoluhlazazelenyy

  9. lyudynakishiminisaumuntu

  10. dveridoraeshikumnyango

  11. likhtarilangachiroqvesakkuduva

  12. pryntsisikhulushahzodakumaraya

  13. dyvnogalatiokungajwayelekileamutu

  14. kridaihryimidlalooyinlar

  15. simyettihataisikhombisa

  16. yonibturadiukukhanyasaeneliyaspalakh

  17. phuthumashoshilingikmankarannapospishayte

  18. kapelyukhisikhwamashapkatoppiya

  19. shifokorlikaryaudokotelavaidyavarayek

  20. khubekadampledumbletushibqolish

  21. askarsoldatisoshasoldaduvek

  22. manobirozkancanekuda

Da magick wond laees heir

Abrakedavra hocus pocus

Even partial answers are also welcome!

Do not trust Google translate if it translates the whole combination to a word. It might be misleading. Confirm it by translating the words separately. For example, it translates qishebusikasitakalayazyma to alchemist, but it isn't.

Some hints:

#20 - Your eyes are belong to me. It do not need a translation.

#3 - Brother of #10 is always against me.

#7 - I've felt fear twice while you were reading this. Well I feel it was thrice

#9 - What quite a lot of superhero's names have

#22 + #12 - C'est une traduction Française

Edit: Assume you have 3 'The' s available.


The languages are

Uzbek, Sinhala, Ukrainian, and Zulu

Here are the words I have so far:

1. Sorting (tartiblash / ukuhlunga / varga kirima/ sortuvannya)
2. Secret (sir / rahasya / secret / imfihlo)
3. Hunger (kusaginnayi / ochlik / indlala / holodni)

4. Winter (qish / ebusika / sita kalaya /zyma)
5. Potter (honchar / umbumbi / kumbalkaru / kulol)
6. Joker (vihiluvak / ijoker / hazillash / adiganzhartivnyk)
7. Iron (zalizo / temir / insimbi / yakada)
8. Green (harita / yashil rangda / oluhlaza / zelenyy)
9. Man (lyudyna / kishi / minisa / umuntu)
10. Door (dveri / dora / eshik / umnyango)
11. Lantern (likhtar / ilanga / chiroq / vesak kuduva)
12. Prince (prynts / isikhulu / shahzoda / kumaraya)
13. Strange (dyvno / galati / okungajwayelekile / amutu)

14. Game (krida / ihryi / midlalo / oyinlar)
15. Seven (sim / yetti / hata / isikhombisa)
16. Flash (yonib turadi / ukukhanya / saeneliya / spalakh)
17. Hurry (phuthuma / shoshiling / ikman karanna / pospishayte)
18. Hat (kapelyukh / isikhwama / shapka / toppiya)
19. Doctor (shifokor / likarya / udokotela / vaidyavarayek)
20. Dumble (khubeka / dample / dumble / tushib qolish)
21. Soldier (askar / soldat / isosha / soldaduvek)
22. Little (mano / biroz / kancane / kuda)

Class A:

We know 20 of these are pairs and two remain alone, for 10 + 2 = 12 members of Class A.
Class A members are: Sorting + Hat, Winter + Soldier, Hurry (Harry) + Potter, Iron + Man, Green + Lantern, Dumble + Door, Doctor + Strange, Flash, Joker, Hunger + Games, Little + Prince, Secret + Seven.

Class B:

Winter Soldier, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange are all Marvel characters.
Green Lantern, Joker, and Flash are all DC characters.
Sorting Hat, Harry Potter, and Dumbledore are all Harry Potter characters.

Little Prince, Secret Seven, Hunger Games are all Children/Young Adult books.


These are all fiction.

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