Wednesday, May 30, 2018

riddle - The Perpetual Teapot (no.28)

So, as I stated in my first Teapot riddle, I was challenged by a fellow user to create a Teapot riddle, and thus I have created two (numbers 26 and 27). However, to put my traditional stamp on it, I've decided to create one more. Welcome to the Perpetual Teapot!

The Rules

  • I have one word which has several (2 or more) meanings.

  • Each of the meanings is a teapot (first, second ...).

  • You try to figure out the word with my hints.

  • I will post a new hint everyday; with each hint making it easier to solve.

The Puzzle

Since this one will probably expand quite a bit, I'm going to use a different format to keep the post as short and clean as possible.

  • My first teapot is a small stream.

  • My second teapot is the average type of something.

  • My third teapot is a rapid series of notes forming a scale.

Bonus Reputation Opportunity

I will award $50$ reputation if you can explain why I chose the word.

Good luck to you all and have fun!


Is it a ...


First teapot -

Run is the name of small streams in North America and is also a name of a stream in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant.

Second teapot -

Going for a run is an average type of exercise to get in shape with. One might say its a pretty common exercise.

Third teapot -

A run in musical terms is a rapid series of ascending or descending musical notes often closely spaced in pitch forming a scale.

Edited to remove initial guess of...


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