Sunday, October 14, 2018

homework and exercises - Capacitor Charging and Discharging when connected to the ground

When we charge a capacitor using a battery and then remove the battery, the plates of capacitor becomes charged. One holds positive charge and the other one gets equal negative charge. o. k. ?

Now if we attach a wire to the positive plate and connect it to the ground , will the electrons from ground climb on the positive plate and make it neutral ? No. But if we connect positive plate to the negative plate then the capacitor will get discharged.

Now consider a situation when we connect 4 capacitors A,B,C,D of equal capacitance in series and connect them to a 10 Volt battery.

Now the P. D. between positive and negative plate of capacitor A will be (10- 7.5) i.e. 2.5 .

For B it will be (7.5 -5 ) i.e. 2.5 , For C it will be (5- 2.5 ) i.e. 2.5, For D it will be (2.5-0) i. e. 2.5.

So potential at positive plate of A is 10 and potential at negative plate of D is 0 and the Potential Difference is 10 volts, which is the potential difference of the battery.

Now connect the wire joining C and D capacitor to ground and now record the potential difference at A, you will find it 7.5 and at positive plate of D it will be 0, and at negative plate of D it will be -2.5. This happens because negative charge from ground climbs on the positive plate of capacitor D and makes it neutral.

My question is why in this case negative charge climbs on this positive plate of D and makes its potential zero ? But such thing does not happen when we connect positive plate of a charged capacitor to the ground.

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