Wednesday, October 31, 2018

visual - Seven Places at Once - Another Google Earth Challenge?

This puzzle is based on Where is it? - The Google Earth Challenge series started by Conifers, :D

As usual, no reverse image are allowed.

Hey, check these out! These seven places are so special because the devil from hell did an experiment to combine a chicken sandwich and popcorn by accident. Silly, now where are they?

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Continuing from Birjolaxew's discovery of

Popcorn, Indiana, USA,

Accident, Maryland, USA:


Chicken, Alaska, USA:


Devil Town, Ohio, USA:


Experiment, Georgia (state), USA:


Hell, Michigan, USA:


Popcorn, Indiana, USA, as already discovered by Birjolaxew.


Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA, as already discovered by tjs352.


So the connection is,

as you said, the devil from hell doing an experiment to combine a chicken sandwich and popcorn by accident. I don't know if there's any significance to all the places chosen being in the USA - e.g. instead of choosing the more famous Sandwich in England which gave its name to the food called a sandwich - but the USA is certainly known for its odd place names which could be standard English words!

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