Monday, October 22, 2018

riddle - Identity crisis. What exactly am I?

Application of the mind is where I begin
Depictions of what is, what was, will be, and perhaps have never been
Vibrant color with each illustrious stroke one will strive
Unlimited potential for an imagination that is now alive

In the middle there is only me, this you knew

My neighbors make up two thirds of you

As we come to the end we reach an uncomfortable state
Perhaps because of something off your plate
Gagging, heaving, flailing violently in attempts to mitigate
Always remember how essential it is to masticate


Might you be

an artichoke




You begin with "art"


In the middle, you have "I" having neighbors "O" and "U" as someone else pointed out


In the end, you "choke" because you failed to masticate properly

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