Friday, October 19, 2018

homework and exercises - How is simple matrix representation related to quantum probabilities?

I went again through some of my undergraduate books of quantum mechanics to get a new look at it as a futur PhD (not in QM though). I got answers for some old questions that bugged me at the time but their is one I can't figure out. I left it years ago and coming back to it I still can't get the point of the exercice.

It is from the book "Quantum mechanics in simple matrix form" by Thomas F. Jordan. I liked it a lot because the author starts from scratch concerning imaginary numbers and matrix algebra.

However, in the seventh chapter, their is only one exercise and I don't see the point. The other exercices in the previous chapter were straight forward computing to get a first hand on algebra and were quite useful for me as a student. But in chapter 7 (no mention of quantum mechanics has been done so far except Heisenberg inequality, which is the guideline of the book), the exercice reads as follows:

Two quantities are represented by the matrices: $$M=\left[\begin{array}{l}3&0&-i\\0&1&0\\i&0&3\end{array}\right]\ N=\left[\begin{array}{l}3&0&2i\\0&7&0\\-2i&0&3\end{array}\right]$$ The possible values of the quantity $M$ are $1,2$ ans $4$. What are the possible values of the quantity represented by N?

The author never mentionned the link between probabilities of a given value and its matrix representation so I'm a bit confused. I don't understand how the exercice is supposed to be solvable and what is the expected solution. What is the point of this exercice? I'm sure I miss something but I can't tell what.


The possible values are the eigenvalues. There is no link between a matrix and probabilities: the probabilities depend on the modulus squared of overlap between the quantum state $\vert \psi\rangle$ under investigation and the eigenvectors. As stated the question is fine as it only asks for possible outcomes.

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