Sunday, December 9, 2018

Photons with half integer angular momentum - what's happening?

I have just read this article - what is happening?

Analysing these beams within the theory of quantum mechanics they predicted that the angular momentum of the photon would be half-integer, and devised an experiment to test their prediction. Using a specially constructed device they were able to measure the flow of angular momentum in a beam of light. They were also able, for the first time, to measure the variations in this flow caused by quantum effects. The experiments revealed a tiny shift, one-half of Planck's constant, in the angular momentum of each photon.

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Nothing is happening. At least, nothing except that a new generalized quantity suggestively called "angular momentum" was defined and subsequently measured. But nothing we know about the usual angular momentum of photons is changed by this in any way.

Standard total angular momentum is $J = L + S$, where $L$ is the orbital and $S$ the spin angular momentum. In three dimensions and usual setups, $L$ and $S$ are not independently conserved quantities - it is only the total $J$ that is conserved. Since $S$ is integral for photons and $L$ is always integer, $J$ is always integral. Additionally, $S$ and $L$ do not separately correspond to actual transformations one can do on light as they do not preserve the transversality of the electromagnetic wave.

All that the paper "There are many ways to spin a photon: Half-quantization of a total optical angular momentum" by Ballantine, Donegan and Eastham does is consider a situation (a light beam) where there is at least one component of $L$ and $S$ that is independently conserved and generates a consistent transformation (one that preserves tranversality), so that a "generalized" angular momentum $J_\gamma = L+\gamma S$ can be defined in that direction. If you choose $\gamma=\frac{1}{2}$, it is obvious that you get half-integer values for $J_{1/2}$.

The significance of this paper (paraphrasing their own words) is firstly that they actually figured out an experimental measurement of $J_{1/2}$ and secondly that this hints at a possible "fermionization" of photons in situations where $J_{1/2}$ is a good operator, i.e. a description of the photonic system by an equivalent fermionic system. However, it must be stressed that this $J_{1/2}$ is not the usual total angular momentum, let alone spin, and hence does not contradict the usual statement of "photon angular momentum comes in integral multiples of $\hbar$". It's a generalization of the usual angular momentum $J_1$ that shows, in some situations, a half-integer quantization.

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