Sunday, December 2, 2018

word - Piece de Resistance - Queen Machina, my Majesty, Time for a Hearty Supper!

Queen Machina, my Majesty, Time for a Hearty Supper!

This puzzle is part of the "Piece de Resistance" series. Go back to Part 1 (Ace) for the story.
Ace Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Queen King... Jack

No more images... (for the time being), back to words...

$\mathfrak{\text{- rosin control}}$
$\mathfrak{\text{- escape talk}}$
$\mathfrak{\text{- current bond}}$
$\mathfrak{\text{- smallest direction}}$
$\mathfrak{\text{- unpleasant garbage}}$

Rest Assured

1) No obscure words

2) No P.SE usernames involved

3) The answer is a word. The title will make some sense when the answer is found.


Level 1

"Unpleasant garbage" can be replaced by "unpleasant mess".

Level 2

As some of you have suspected in the comments, this puzzle has nothing to do with .

Level 3:

@PiIsNot3 has already correctly identified the logic. 2 more to go!

Level 4:

"Unpleasant garbage" can be replaced by "strict code".


Here's an attempt to tie this up... As already established, the clues here refer to:

Pairs of words whose spellings differ by the removal of a letter.

rosin control


escape talk


current bond (formerly 'spray heart')


smallest direction

WE[E]ST - WEST (found by @PilsNot3 - the two of us both discovered the same solutions to the first two clues independently but I had favoured [L]EAST - EAST here until attempting to spell the linking word out...)

unpleasant garbage (or 'strict code' in hints)


Taking the 'unshared' letters from each pair suggests a solution of:

SEDER - a Jewish ritual service and ceremonial dinner, which would link with 'supper' in the title. Not sure on the 'Queen Machina' reference - isn't she a Power Rangers baddie?!

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