Monday, June 17, 2019

enigmatic puzzle - Room 1 of the Maze

You wake up in a dark room that you don't recognize. The walls are made of some material you've never seen before. There is a door with a keypad next to it, and a small platform suspended in air in the center of the room. You approach the platform, unsure of how it remains in mid-air. On that platform you see a note that reads:

Welcome to Room 1! This is the first of many rooms that comprise what we like to call the Maze. It's not so much a physical maze as it is an intellectual one; fail to find a way out and it is your mind that will be lost!
Each room provides 2 keys. Key 1 will be integral to determining the answer to Key 2; sometimes it makes sense of Key 2, sometimes it explains what to do with Key 2. Once you have the answer, enter it into the keypad by the exit. Enter correctly and you will proceed. Enter incorrectly, and the room is rigged to open a portal that sucks you into one of three alternate universes: one made entirely of pure itchiness, one exactly like this one but where the only thing you can drink is Bud Light Lime, and the last leads to a universe that we dare not describe and will tell you only that it is called Trumptopia.
With all of that out of the way, here is the information you need to make it out of this room. If it matters, we based our information on your planet from your oracle named Google, but we expect that your numbers need not line up exactly with ours to get near the same answer. Good Luck!!


You take a look at the keypad by the door and see that it is comprised of only the 26 letters of the alphabet, with no punctuation or space keys. What do you enter to move on to the next room?

This room has now been solved. Here is Room 2.


Take the given routes as vectors and sum them, then apply the resulting vector to Aberdeen. Using latitude and longitude isn't quite accurate because of the curvature of the earth, but it's close enough.

Brussels=50°51′N 04°21′E
Tehran =35°42′N 51°25′E
Brussels to Tehran: -15°09′ +47°04′

Warsaw =52°14′N 21°01′E
Frankfurt=50°07′N 08°41′E
Warsaw to Frankfurt: -02°07′ -12°20′

Total vector: -17°16′ +34°44′

Aberdeen=57°09′N 02°07′W

Aberdeen+Vector: 39°53′N 32°37′E

This point is in the outskirts of Ankara. The answer should be ANKARATURKEY.

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