Saturday, June 29, 2019

wordplay - Bridge words 2 - word pairs linked by their front and back

I made a puzzle earlier (Bridge words), and thought I'd make another (encouraged by a request from @VictorHenry).

Find a pair of "bridge words" to fill in the gaps of the sentences below. Bridge words are words where the last $n\geq3$ letters of the first word are the same as the first $n$ letters of the second word. The words must then both be more than $n$ letters long ("hotshots-hotshots" would be a valid bridge pair ($n=4$), but "here-here" would not be).

For example:
Q: Sometimes we torture people. Sometimes we don't. We ______ our ______.
A: We intersperse our persecution.

Okay, here goes:

  1. Good climbers leave the _______ ________.

  2. I caught _____ of the person _______ in the pool.

  3. She lives far out on the ______, ______ from society.

  4. I could see that the glamorous lady was ______ _______ that caught the light.

  5. We've ______ all the evidence and concluded that alcoholism is _______.

  6. The dentist used an odd ______ to save information about her patient's ______.

  7. I was sick in the West Indies, but in the ______ I was the ______.

  8. I take a coat and dress out of the wardrobe, ______ the _______, and return them.

  9. Grimm's _________ was left ______ after the queen guessed his name.

  10. The king said to the regent: "I'll be back tomorrow, so you must _____ _______."


$n$ is equal to 5 or 6.


Hooray! These seem harder but I'm making progress. Going to go ahead and post this to keep track of which ones I've solved so far.

  1. Good climbers leave the _______ ________.

mountain untainted

  1. I caught _____ of the person _______ in the pool.

  2. She lives far out on the ______, ______ from society.

  3. I could see that the glamorous lady was ______ _______.

  4. We've ______ all the evidence and concluded that alcoholism is _______.


  1. The dentist used an odd ______ to save information about her patient's ______.


  1. I was sick in the West Indies, but in the ______ I was the ______.


  1. I took two coats out of the wardrobe to ______ the two _______.

launder / undercoats

  1. Grimm's _________ was left ______ when the queen guessed his name.


  1. The king said to the regent: "I'll be back tomorrow, so you must _____ _______."

govern overnight

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