Tuesday, June 25, 2019

riddle - Hints Among Confusion

The Roman gods hid treasure
In robes of rose and green
A stone lay at the center
And gold was in between
Fetched by a dog named rover
Lee in "Show Me" was seen
Sir, move if you are clever

And tell me what I mean.

The solution is a single English word.


I think this juicy rhyme concerns a


The Roman gods hid treasure

Roman gods hides mango.

In robes of rose and green : A stone lay at the center : And gold was in between,

It's peel is red and green, stone seed in the center and the golden pericarp in between.

Fetched by a dog named rover

Hidden in 'dog named' backwards (fetched) is mango.

Lee in "Show Me" was seen

"Show Me" is the motto of Missouri state abbreviation MO → Ang (Lee) in MO gives mango!

Sir, move if you are clever : And tell me what I mean.

Sir - man, move - go → mango

Title: Hints Among Confusion

An anagram (confusion) of Among gives Mango

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