Friday, June 14, 2019

word - So Many Homophones?

A twist on my previous puzzle So many anagrams. Instead of finding anagrams for the blanks you have to find two homophones/homographs(bat-bat, and doe-dough) that fit into the provided blanks. Note: The number of blanks does not mean the number of letters and there will be a different set of hompphones for each numbered sentence

  1. Donny started to _____ up when he saw that there was a _____ in his leather seats.

  2. Mike took his _____ on a date to the ______.

  3. After an _____ course meal, Joe figured that he ______ enough!

  4. He was wishing that his ______ would ______, because he wanted to start playing soccer again.

  5. Because the ________ was flat, it was a perfect spot to land their _______.

  6. After bathing their pet ______ the drain was full of ______.

  7. They _____ed the couch through the ____.

  8. Talking ______ is not _________.

  9. They went through the _____ _____ and got lost while trying to get out.

  10. To be more efficient in landscaping our yard we worked in ____s. First we _____d the ____ tree so it would not look so bushy, then we cut the grass.

  11. Ally only went to the shoe-stores that had a wide variety of _______, and after she was done shopping, she knew _______ she was going to ______ all the shoes.

  12. _____ days ago, I wanted to do a trick shot ____ my turn, so I swung as had as I could but the ball was about to hit my coach, so I screamed _____!



tear/ tear (this one is the homograph, as @Pugmonkey pointed out)

2: credit to @Pugmonkey, go upvote their answer!

bae/ bay


eight/ ate


heel/ heal


plain/ plane


hare/ hair


haul/ hall


aloud/ allowed


maize/ maze


pair/ pare/ pear

11: credit to @Reinier, go upvote their answer!

ware/ where/ wear


four/ for/ fore

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