Monday, June 24, 2019

word - A Smuggled List of S'S

Smuggled this strange list from [redacted] 's place. Maybe he is making a puzzle. Who is the victim?

  • Scarlet covers

  • Swindler's imprecation

  • Sour disordered equipment

  • Smash journal

  • Sinful America

  • Surgeon oath

  • Storms carport

Working for Generalist Countdown -


What are the items on the list?

Synonyms of the words on the list can be anagrammed to a tag on Puzzling SE plus one letter. For example: "Scarlet covers" are "red lids", which is an anagram of "riddle" plus "s". The complete list is:

Scarlet covers: red lidsriddle + s
Swindler's imprecation: cheat's dammitmathematics + d
Sour disordered equipment: acidic unglued toollogical deduction + u
Smash journal: plow diarywordplay + i
Sinful America: evil USAvisual + e
Surgeon oath: Dr vowword + v
Storms carport: typhoons garagesteganography + o

Who is the victim?

If we assume that the third item is correct and that the second item yields an extra d, we can anagram the extra letters to Deusovi. (Thanks, jafe, for spotting that. I had a rather less convincing guess first.)

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