Thursday, August 1, 2019

A delve into extraordinary chess problems: Selfmate 1

[This series continues from a harder puzzle here and continues in this puzzle]

Here we have an easier but still interesting selfmate in 5.

This is a puzzle by A. Rubin found in The Book of Extraordinary Chess Puzzles:

selfmate 1

From the book: "In a 'selfmate' problem White plays to force Black to checkmate him - a sort of chess suicide. In the diagram above, White has his king nicely trapped in the bottom right-hand corner, but still has to find a way of forcing Black to deliver the mate. Selfmate in five.

Here is an interactive board for you to play on.


is it as simple as

1. Ba6 forcing axb6
2. Bb5 bxc5

3. Bc4 bxd4
4. Bd3 bxe3
5. Be2 bxf2#

Taking advantage of the fact

that black's knight can't move (pinned by the queen) and blacks king can't move.

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