Monday, February 9, 2015

acoustics - the sounds of an exploding star

We know that space cannot spread a sound wave as there is no "air" or a medium that would support the spread of a sound wave. However if we put ourselves in the vicinity of an exploding star, would it be possible to hear something?

The question arises from the idea that within the explosion of a star (first few seconds or less) you may hear a noise due to the explosion of the star...


If you were close enough to be hit by a significant amount of something (material or just radiation) being ejected from the star, then you would probably hear it hitting the walls of whatever is keeping air around you (spaceship, space-suit, whatever).

This would not last very long though, since the noise would be the sound of cracking or boiling or burning (depends very much on the materials), and then you die. :D

If you are close enough, you would be just vaporized and I doubt your brain would have the time to process any sensation of sound.

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