Wednesday, February 18, 2015

energy - Have the Rowan University "hydrino" findings been replicated elsewhere?

In 2009, Rowan University released a paper claiming to replicate Blacklight Power's results on energy generation using hydrino states of the hydrogen atom. The paper (link now dead) appears to describe the procedure in every detail as far as my untrained eye can tell.

The press release 11/29/10 states:

Cranbury, NJ (November 29, 2010)—BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) today announced that CIHT (Catalyst-Induced-Hydrino-Transition) technology has been independently confirmed by Dr. K.V. Ramanujachary, Rowan University Meritorious Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry.[...]


I am highly skeptical of this result, primarily because the theories promoted by Black Light Power are improbable to the point of being gibberish. The energy states of hydrogen can be calculated exactly, and have been both calculated and measured spectroscopically to extremely high precision, and experiment and theory are in perfect agreement. If the modern understanding of quantum physics (including QED) were incomplete enough to leave room for mysterious lower-energy states in hydrogen, there would've been some indication of this in one of the countless experiments that have been done on hydrogen.

Another good reason to be skeptical of this result is that the report in question seems to have been "released" only via Black Light Power's web site. The only mention of the authors of this report in conjunction with "hydrinos" that Google can find come from Black Light Power. This result has not appeared in any scientific journal known to Google. Or even the Rowan University web site. This is not what I would call a ringing endorsement of the work.

As for the report itself, it is entirely concerned with chemical NMR spectra, and I don't have any first-hand experience with those. I know just enough about the field to know that there can be subtle issues involved with the recording and interpretation of these. I'm more inclined to believe that the mysterious peaks seen in their samples are some NMR artifact than that they are the signature of radically new physics.

It's conceivable, barely, that this really does represent some dramatic new discovery, and has not yet appeared in print because it's working its way through the peer review process, taking a long time because extraordinary claims require extraordinary scrutiny. The principal person behind Black Light Power has been making claims like this since I was in grad school in the 1990's, though, and has yet to produce anything solid. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to appear in a reputable peer-reviewed journal, if I were you.

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